Can You Play Poker For A Living

4/14/2022by admin
Can You Play Poker For A Living

There are many video poker games around a new ones are being added all the time. Even the same game can have varying rules and pay tables. One is apt to get confused by these. If you want to prosper in video poker, strive to learn only one game at a time. If you play 9/6 Jacks or Better, stick to that. At that point, you need to discover a few systems that can change the chances for your potential benefit that makes you a champ in an anticipated betting period, similar to a month or seven days and leave the RajaQQ poker with rewards and utilize the cash to help your living. Making a living playing poker cash games How much you need for living is a relative term. Minimum wage widely varies by each country as below; For the US, the minimum wage is $15,000/year ($7.25/hour), so our estimated $12,300/player/year earning from online poker must, if not impossible, impose an extremely tough frugal life. But see, it isn’t a question of whether or not you can make a living playing poker. Because the short answer is yes, you can. And a decent minority of professional poker players already do. In fact, there are thousands of professionals who play online poker on a daily basis and earn good money from it. Therefore, to answer the topic question right away — yes, you can make a living.

Can You Play Poker For A Living

Online Poker For A Living

Poker games have become very popular over the last few years. Almost everyone is amazed by how some poker players can make millions of cash and even some having it as their main source of income. Although people think such a game entirely depends on luck, experts who make money from it consistently say there is more to it than hoping luck is on your side every day. Well, why can you play poker for a living?
The first trick of earning from poker is to know the real facts about it. You should know what you are getting into before you head for the first game. Despite the assumption that all you need is luck, skill is a major aspect of playing poker; you have to be well skilled in the game. You also have to know that you are taking a high risk and risks have consequences, you may win or lose. Therefore, you have to be well-prepared for both profits and losses since the better prepared you are, the more you’ll know how to handle them. This means that making a living from poker, you have to know what you are getting into because to play poker is not like normal ways of making a living.
Have you ever played a game that you did not know about it? High chances are, you failed terribly and lost to your opponent since you had no idea how to win. This is the same with poker; you can't go to the tables and expect to win without having any knowledge of the game. Most persons who are the best people in poker have read almost everything about it, the methodologies, the tricks, name them. Hence, making a living from poker requires you to have a lot of information about it. You can get information about poker from reading articles, watch training videos, read books of famous poker players, and even talking to other players.
A poker player who makes a living from it has to be the most disciplined person. Self-discipline is a key factor when playing poker and ensuring that you earn from it. This is because, unlike in most offices, where your co-workers will help you in becoming better, most poker players will be too busy trying to win to notice your progress. You are on your own when it comes to poker, most people will not tell when you are overspending or when you are taking all the wrong moves. Therefore, a poker player making a living from it can do so because they are discipline, such that they know their limits when it comes to spending.
Any great poker player who can make a huge amount of cash from it is a courageous person. They can take risks, put a huge amount of their cash on the line to make more, and never afraid to make moves. These are persons who are not afraid to take risk or any chance that comes their way that make bring a lot of cash to their pockets. As they say ‘courage is not the absence of fear’, it is okay to fear losing money, but it shouldn’t prevent you from playing the game. To play poker for a living means you depend on it, so what will help your household get food if you fail to play out of fear?
It can be hard to make money from something that you don’t give it your time to. Can you stay at home in a job that requires you to be at the office and still get to earn? To play poker for a living you will have to give it more of your time, you have to work for that money. For example, if you go to the tables for five minutes you cannot expect to make lots of cash. Persons that can play poker for a living are those that make time to play and learn the game. They create schedules that guide them on the time to play, do other things, or read to gain better ways of winning.
‘Practice makes perfect’, this is a saying that can be applied in almost every aspect of our lives. Any person can be able to play poker for a living if they practice enough for it. This means they play more games to acquire new skills that may make them earn more. You can play poker games that don’t require risking any money, especially when you are a beginner as you’ll require applying the things that you may have read. However, even after becoming proficient in playing the game, you don’t stop practicing because people come up with new ways of winning, and not keeping up with them may lead you to lose.
Persons with fewer egos are the ones that can make so much and even support their livelihood by poker. This is because they are aware that they may not win all the time and that they may be excellent but other people may be better. Without any ego, you will be humble enough to learn from other players and know that you need to keep improving. Being a poker player also needs perseverance when they happen to lose. They that have it as their source of income have learned to persevere and never give up when things get hard.
Honesty is a vital factor when it comes to playing poker. It’s not just abiding by the rules of the game or not being corrupt, it’s being honest to yourself. Those who make a living from it are those that are honest to themselves, they accept when they make mistakes and don’t blame it on other persons. They don’t blame it on the circumstances when they are overspending but find a way to limit themselves. These are persons who know what they are doing and can walk away when they realize they are making great losses when they play a particular game.
Therefore, being able to make a living from poker involves putting various things into consideration. As much as you can be lucky in a game, there is more to the game than luck. You may have to put more effort to win and make the cash you might need.
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